
petek, 31. maj 2013

Welcome Baby

Pozdravček in čudovit petek vsem!

Simona tukaj z novo objavo za The Scrapping Cottage blog.
Tokrat sem izdelala 'easel' voščilnico za novorojenčico Jernejo.
Pri izdelavi voščilnice sem si pomagala s čudovitimi CottageCutz šabloncami:

Hello and beautiful friday to you all!

Simona here with a new post for The Scrapping Cottage blog.
This time I made an easel card for a newborn baby girl (Jerneja).
I made this card with beautiful CottageCutz dies

Vse šablone sem izrezala iz belega kartona in jih senčila oz. pobarvala
z Distress inki.

I used Distress Inks for coloring my CottageCutz  cut outs. 
Everything was cut out of white cardstock.

Uporabila sem kar nekaj različnih luknjačev od Marthe Stewart,
Spellbinders Blossom šablono in srajčko s pikicami za suho embosiranje.

I also used few punches from Martha Stewart,
Spellbinders Blossom die and embossing folder dots.
The word 'dobrodošla' means 'welcome'.

Za voščilnico sem izdelala tudi kuverto. Narejena je iz puas papirja.
CottageCutz Baby border sem izrezala 4x iz belega kartona in jih
pobarvala z Distress ink Barn door.

I created a matching envelope for the card. The envelope was made
with vellum paper. The CottageCutz Baby border was cut 4x
out of white cardstock on sponged with Distress Ink Barn door.

...in tukaj je pogled na voščilnico še v kuverti.

Upam, da vam je današnja objava všeč.

Vsem skupaj želim čudovit dan in
hvala, da ste se ustavili na mojem blogu!

....and here is the look at the card in the envelope.

Hope you like todays post.

Wish you all a wonderful day and
thank you for stopping by!


The dies used:

nedelja, 26. maj 2013

Floral Frame and Springtime Bird

Pozdravček vsem!
Ponovno sem z vami z novo objavo za The Scrapping Cottage BLOG.
Pri izdelavi te voščilnice sem uporabila čudovite CottageCutz šablone
Bella Floral Frame (Elites) in Bella Springtime Bird (Elites), ki so iz
CottageCutz Bella Spring Release.

Hello everyone!
Here I am with a new project for The Scrapping Cottage BLOG.
Today's card is showcasing beautiful CottageCutz dies from the 

Odločila sem se, da naredim voščilnico z žepkom in okencem.
Zdelo se mi je, da je šablonca Floral Frame (Elites) kot nalašč 
za takšno voščilnico. Druga dva okvirčka sem izrezala s pomočjo
Crucut mašince.

I decided to make a pocket card with a window frame.
I knew that the Floral Frame (Elites) die will be perfect for this.
The other two frames I cut with my Cricut machine.

Najprej sem se lotila izdelave žepka. Izdelala sem ga iz belega kartona. Nato
sem na sprednjo stran zalepila vzorčast papir in še le nato sem izrezala
okence s pomočjo Spellbinders šablono Label 1.
Okvirček The floral Frame (Elites) sem izrezala 2x iz belega posebnega
papirja za štempljanje in ga senčila z Distress Ink shabby Shutters.

First I made the pocket out of white cardstock. Then I glued DP to the front of the 
pocket and after that I cut out the window with the Spellbinders die Label 1.
The floral Frame (Elites) was cut out twice of white speciality stamping paper
and sponged with Distress Ink Shabby Shutters.

Šablonco Bella Springtime Bird (Elites) sem izrezala 1x iz belega posebnega papirja
za štempljanje in vse skupaj senčila z Distress Inki Dried Marigold,
Spun Sugar in  Peeled Paint.

Bella Springtime Bird (Elites) was cut once out of white speciality stamping paper
and sponged with Distress Inks Dried Marigold, Spun Sugar and Peeled Paint.

Ponovno sem izrezala The floral Frame (Elites) 2x iz posebnega belega papirja
za štempljanje in senčila rožice z Distress Inks Dried Marigold in Spun Sugar.
Nato sem izrezala cvetove s škarjicami in jih zalepila na mesto rožic.

I cut out again The floral Frame (Elites) from the white speciality stamping paper
and sponged the flowers with Distress Inks Dried Marigold and Spun Sugar. 
Then I cut the flowers with scissors and glued them on top of the other flowers.

Pravtako sem uporabila luknjač od Marthe Stewart.
Misel sem poštempljala z Rich Cocoa Memento Ink.

I also used Martha Stewart punch.
The sentiment was stamped with Rich Cocoa Memento Ink.

Upam, da ste našli navdih za ustvarjanje v današnji objavi... :)
...in HVALA za vaš obisk!

Hope you feel inspired!
Thank you for stopping by today!


The dies used:

četrtek, 16. maj 2013

Spring Butterfly Notecard and Elegant Hat

Dobro jutro vsem... Ponovno sem z vami in danes objavljam
voščilnico, ki sem jo izdelala za The Scrapping Cottage BLOG
kjer sem uporabila čudovite CottageCutz šablone

Good morning everyone... It's Simona with you again and
today I am posting a card made for The Scrapping Cottage BLOG
showcasing beautiful CottageCutz dies

The Elegant Hat je bil izrezan iz belega kartona in pobarvan/senčen z
Distress Inks Barn door, Vintage photo, Peeled paint and Dried Marigold.

The Elegant Hat was cut out of white cardstock and sponged with
Distress Inks Barn door, Vintage photo, Peeled paint and Dried Marigold.

Dodala sem rdeče kamenčke in polovične bele perlice.

I added red rhinestones and white half pearls.

The Butterfly Notecard sem izrezala 2x iz belega kartona in
1x iz vzorčastega papirja ter vse zlepila skupaj.

The Butterfly Notecard was cut twice out of white cardstock
and once out of patterned paper to layer the notecard.

V notranjost kartice sem odtisnila misel. Nato pa sem zalepila
kartico na voščilnico. Še preden sem to storila, sem dodala tudi 
belo oranžno vrvico in nato kartico zavezala na sprednji sunanji strani.
Za ozadje sem uporabila vzorčast papir, bel karton, Martha Stewart
Lace Edge luknjač in Sizzix emosing srajčko - pikice.

Upam, da vam je današnja objava všeč in
hvala za vaš obisk.

On the inside of the notecard I stamped a sentiment. I stuck the
notecard onto the card and tighten it with a twine.
I also used some pattern paper from my stash, Martha Stewart
Lace edge punch and Sizzix dots embossing folder.

I hope you enjoyed today's post and
many thanks for stopping by.


The dies used:

ponedeljek, 13. maj 2013

Ko me inspirira #13

Pozdravljene drage obiskovalke, dragi obiskovalci Papiart bloga.
Končno mi je uspelo, da se udeležim Tininega in Vladkinega  izziva
Ker sem potrebovala nekaj voščilnic za 50. rojstni dan, sem se odločila,
da jih izdelam kar na to temo.... :). 

Hello dear visitors of Papiart Blog.
Finally I am entering Tina's and Vladka's challenge
Since I needed some cards for 50th birthday I decided to make them
for that occasion.... :).

Hvala za vaš obisk in ogled.

Thank you for your visit and looking.


sobota, 11. maj 2013


Še ena objava... :)

Včeraj sem objavila voščilnico s kitaro, ki je bila namenjea mlademu
fantu, ki ljubiteljsko igra kitaro...
Vendar vam nisem povedala, da to ni bilo vse... he he he
Tukaj je denarnica, ki je bila pravtako del darila.
Navodila, kako izdelati moško denarnico sem našla že pred kratkim, 
ampak nikakor nisem našla razloga, da bi jo naredila.
Kliknite tukaj, če bi tudi sami želeli izdelati denarnico
A tokrat so me prosili, da bi izdelala nekaj za mladega fanta/študenta,
ki ljubi svoj denar in ve točno, kako in kje ga bo zapravil... :).

One  more post... :)

Yesterday I posted a male birthday card for a guitar lover...
But I didn't tell you that wasn't all...he he he...
Here is a wallet that was also part of the gift.
I came across the instructions how to make this wallet a while ago
but I just couldn't make myself to create one.
You can find Wallet Tutorial here.
But this time I was asked to create something for a young man
who loves his money and knows exactly how he'll spend his money... :).

Hvala za ogled!

Thank you for looking!


petek, 10. maj 2013

A Birthday Card

Pozdravček vsem!

Danes objavljam rojstnodnevno voščilnico namenjeno za fanta.
Ali lahko uganete, kaj rad igra???  :)

Hello again!

Today I am posting a birthday card made for a guy.
Can you guess what he likes playing???  :)

Hvala za obisk!

Thank you for looking!


ponedeljek, 6. maj 2013

Victorian Window and Spring Butterfly Notecard

Pozdravček vsem!
Ponovno sem z vami s predstavitvijo voščilnice, ki sem jo naredila
za The Scrapping Cottage BLOG. Za izdelavo te voščilnice sem uporabila
 Victorian Window in Spring Butterfly Notecard.

Hello everyone!
Here I am with a new card showcasing beautiful
CottageCutz dies from CottageCutz This N That release -

Odločila sem se, da naredim stopničasto voščilnico... :).
Osnova voščilnice je bila izrezana iz rjavega kartona.

Spring Butterfly Notecard sem izrezala 1x iz BoBunny Country Garden collection
in suho embosirala s srajčko opeke. Nato sem narahlo z gobico pobarvala opeko z
Dried marigold Ranger ink, da je postala opeka bolj vidna. 1x pa sem
Spring Butterfly Notecard izrezala iz rjavega kartona (kot osnova voščilnice) in
prilepila na ozadje BoBunny Notecard, tako, da sem ojačala DP.

I decided to make another step card... :).
The base of the card was cut out of brown cardstock.

The Spring Butterfly Notecard was cut out of BoBunny County 
Garden collection and then dry embossed with a brick embossing folder.
Once embossed I inked it lightly with Dried marigold Ranger Ink
to give the bricks a little bit more depth. I also cut the notecard once
out of brown cardstock and glued it to the back of the BoBunny
notecard, to make it sturdier. 

Kot lahko vidite na sliki, sem v ozadju uporabila negativ izreza od
 Spring Butterfly Notecard in za njim zalepila kontrasten DP.

As you can see at the back I used the negative cut out from the same paper
and placed another DP behind it.

Victorian Window sem izrezala iz belega kartona in pobarvala s copici.

Victorian Window was cut out of white cardstock and colored with copics.

 Victorian Window sem postavila na izrez Spring Butterfly Notecard
točno kjer sem želela, da bo okno. Nato sem s svinčnikom naredila obris
okna iz noranje strani. Nato sem okno odstavila in na 
izrezovalni plošči z nožem izrezala okno (za 1mm širše, kot sem
zarisala črte). Nato pa sem zalepila okno. 

and positioned it where I wanted it to be. Then I drew
the lines with a pencil on the inside of the window.
I removed the victorian window and placed the butterfly notecard
on my cutting mat. Then I took the X-Acto knife and cut
out the window slightly bigger then where I drew the lines.
Then I glued the window in place.

Na notranjost voščilnice pri izrezu okna sem s 3D blazinicami zalepila Vintage Chair in
eno od ptičk iz Victorian Birdbath. Iste ptice sem uporabila tudi na zunanjosti voščilnice.
Ptičke so bile izrezane iz belega kartona in senčene z Dried marigold in
Mustard seed Ranger Inks.

On the inside of the card I glued Vintage Chair with 3D pop dots
and also one of the birds from Victorian Birdbath.
I also used the same birds and place them on the outside of the card.
The birds were cut out of white cardstock and sponged with 
Dried marigold and Mustard seed Ranger Inks.

Za zaključek voščilnice sem uporabila Ivy in Grass Border.
Vse sem izrezala iz belega kartona in senčila z Peeled paint Ranger ink.

To finish the card I used Ivy and Grass Border.
Everything was cut out of white cardstock and
sponged with Peeled paint Ranger ink.

Pa še pogled s strani.

Here is a side view of the card.

Hvala, ker ste se ustavili na mojem blogu. Želim vam en čudovit dan.

Thank you for stopping by. Hope you have a lovely day.


The dies used:

01 09 10