
petek, 30. avgust 2013


Pred kratkim sem dobila naročilo, da izdelam
2 voščilnici za Sveti krst. Voščilnici sta bili za bratca, starega 3 mesece
in sestrico, ki ima 3 leta. Tudi želja barv se je upoštevala, ki so lepo razvidne
iz voščilnic... :). Čeprav ob izdelavi krstne voščilice tudi sama
pomislim najprej na belino, lahko rečem, da so mi tudi v barvah všeč.
Odločila sem se za različna motiva tudi glede starosti.

A while ago I was asked to make 2 Christening cards for a baby boy and 
his sister who is 3 years old. I took in consideration the choice of colors
of my client which you can see in the pictures.... :). My fist thought when 
I am making Christening Cards is always to make them in white colors,
but I like them in colors too. I decided to use two different
stamps, age appropriate. 

Take a look:

Tudi Krst sovpada s tokratno temo pri Craft-alnici. - Izziv #89 - Nov začetek.
Ker pa mislim, da bi prijavila preveč izdelkov na njihov izziv,
le-teh nisem prijavila... :).

Imejte se lepo...in hvala za vaš obisk!


torek, 27. avgust 2013

Back to School


Spet je ta čas v letu, ko se otroci pripravljajo na šolo. Imam dva fanta
in mlajši bo letos prvič prestopil šolski prag in sedel v šolske klopi... :). 
Zaenkrat ne kaže nobenega navdušenja... :).

Kljub temu..., naredila sem mu nekaj v spomin, da si bo zapomnil ta čas/
mejnik v njegovem življenu... :) z Back to the Books SVG Kit.

Hello everyone!

It's this time of the year again and kids are getting ready
to go back to school. I have two boys and the youngest one will
start school this year... :). He doesn't show much excitement yet... :).

Anyway, I made him something to remember this time... :)

Take a look!

Nahrbtnik in športni copat  prijavljam na Izziv #89 - Nov začetek,
ki so ga pripravili pri Craft-alnici.

I am entering a backpack and the sport shoe into Craft-alnica challenge,

Thank you for stopping by!


ponedeljek, 26. avgust 2013

CottageCutz little duck

Pozdravček vsem od Simone!

Pri izdelavi današnje voščilnice za The Scrapping Cottage BLOG 

A ni tale račka srčkana?

Hello from Simona, everyone!

To make today's card for The Scrapping Cottage BLOG, I used
Isn't this little duck adorable?

Račko in pripomočke sem izrezala iz belega kartona.
Vse izrezane dele sem pobarvala z distress inki.
Šablona račka ima priložene tudi 4 prozorne štampiljke za obraz.

I cut the duck and accessories out of white cardstock.
I colored the cut out pieces with distress inks.
The duck die comes with 4 Clear stamp faces.

Češnje sem odtistnila 9x na bel gladek karton in jih s škarjicami
izrezala. Nato sem jih pobarvala z dristress markerji.

I stamped the cherries from the CottageCutz
Home Baked Clear Stamps onto the white cardstock 9x.
I cut them out and colored them with distress markers.

Osnovo voščilnice in preostale papirje sem izrezala
s Spellbinders Grand Scalloped Circles.

For the base of the card and the layers
 I used Spellbinders Grand Scalloped Circles.

Odtis je od Penny Black. Na koncu sem dodala
še nekaj tekočih perlic v beli, rumeni in rdeči barvi.

The sentiment is from Penny Black.
I also added some liquid pearls (white, yellow, red).

Thank you for looking!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!


The dies and the stamps used:

četrtek, 22. avgust 2013

A new beginning

Pozdravček vsem!

Danes delim z vami poročni čeveljček, ki sem ga naredila
iz papirja  s pomočjo Love Always SVG Kit že pred kratkim. 
Drugačno, a vendar tako posebno darilo za 

Hello everyone!

Today I am sharing beautiful wedding shoe made out of paper
with Love Always SVG Kit. Different but so special gift for

Poročni čeveljček prijavljam na Izziv #89 - Nov začetek,
ki so ga pripravili pri Craft-alnici.

I am entering my wedding shoe into Craft-alnica challenge,

Thank you for stopping by!


petek, 16. avgust 2013

Bella Spring Tree with Fancy Lace Border and Ornate Birdcage

Dobro jutro in čudovit petek vsem!

Ponovno sem z vami z voščilnico, narejeno za
The Scrapping Cottage BLOG. Tokrat sem pri izdelavi
voščilnice uporabila naslednje CottageCutz Elites šablone:

Good morning everyone and beautiful Friday to you all!

It's Simona here, sharing another card for
The Scrapping Cottage BLOGmade with
beautiful CottageCutz Elites dies Bella Spring Tree,

Preden sem izrezala drevo, sem si izrezala bel karton in
zgornjo polovico pobarvala/senčila z različnimi odtenki
zelene barva od svetle proti temni. Enako sem naredila
s spodnjim delom, le da sem uporabila rjave tone.
Nato sem namestila šablono na papir in izrezala z mašinčkom.

For the tree I used white cardstock. But before I cut
the tree out I colored/distressed the top half of the paper
with different shades of green from light to dark and
for the bottom half of the paper I used different shades
of brown colors. Then I positioned the tree die on the 
paper and cut it out.

Ko je bilo drevo izrezano, sem vzela zopet bel karton in
nanj prilepila drevo. Nato pa sem karton razrezala na tri enake dele
in jih zalepila na rjavo podlago. Tudi ostali dve šabloni
sem izrezala iz belega kartona.

Once the tree was cut out I took another piece of white
cardstock and glued the tree on it. Then I cut the paper
into three equal stripes and matted them onto the
brown cardstock. The Fancy Lace Border and the 
Fancy Ornate Birdcage were cut out of white carstock.

Za osnovo voščilnice sem uporabila rjav karton in designer
papir iz zaloge. Vse izrezane dele sem zalepila na designer
papir, dodala tudi satenast trakec in še le nato vse skupaj
zalepila na osnovo. 

I used brown cardstock for the base of my card and
some designer paper from my stash. I glued the pieces 
in place onto the DP paper and added some satin ribbon.
Then I glued everything onto the base cardstock.

Izrezala sem napis in dodala Fancy Ornate Birdcage izrezke
na levo in desno stran napisa. Najprej sem izrezke pobarvala,
še le nato sem jih zalepila na hrbtno stran napisa.
Ker imajo šablone toliko čudovitih detajlov in oblik jih lahko
uporabite na različne načine in naredite svoje izdelke
zanimive in lepe.

I cut out my sentiment and added Fancy Ornate Birdcage
cut outs to both of the sides. I sponged them before gluing.
Because the dies are so intricate with beautiful designs,
you can use them in so many different ways to make
your projects interesting and pretty.

CottageCutz šablone so tako enostavne za uporabgo in
VEDNO boste na koncu zadovoljni z rezultaom in končnim
izdelkom. Upam, da ste v današnji objavi našli inspiracijo
in boste tudi sami naredili kaj iz CottageCutz šablon.

Hvala za obisk in se vidimo kmalu!

The CottageCutz dies are so easy to use and you
ALWAYS end up with a beautiful result. 
I hope you feel inspired and you'll try them out for

Thanks for stopping by and see you soon!


sreda, 7. avgust 2013

Rojstni dan (skica)

Pozdravček vsem....

Ja, zunaj je še kar naprej vroče, jaz pa ustvarjam... :).
Današnja voščilnica je bila narejena po skici, ki sem jo
našla pri CRAFT-alnici... in je namenjena moji tašči.
Na voščilnico nisem dodajala nobenih dodatkov, ampak sem se
odločila, da jo popestrim s pikicami, ki so bile narejene
s pomočjo belega gel pena, ker bo 
voščilnica potovala v Avstralijo... :).

In še voščilnica...

Hello everyone...

It's still hot outside and I am crafting... :).
Today's card was made by sketch that I found at CRAFT-alnica...
It was made for my mother-in-law who lives in Australia.
That was the reason I kept the card simple and I didn't add
flowers and other embellishments. I just used white gel pen
to draw the dots around the oval.

And here is the card...

Za ozadje sem uporabila ColorCore Cardstock od Core'dinations -
The Whitewash Collection. Papir sem embosirala s srajčko, nato
pa ga pošmirglala in tako je vidne barva iz ozadja.
Motiv vrtnice je odtisnjen na akvarelni papir in pobarvan s distresi.

Voščilnico prijavljam na tokratni Izziv #88 Craft-alnice - Skica.

Hvala za obisk in uživajte še naprej v sončku...

I used some ColorCore Cardstock from Core'dinations -
The Whitesash Collection. I dry embossed it and then used the
sending block, so the bottom color shows through.
The roses were stamped on aquarell paper and colored
with distress inks.

Thank you for stopping by...


torek, 6. avgust 2013

Fancy Floral Lace Border and Filigree Butterfly

Pozdravček... Ponovno sem z vami z objavo za 
The Scrapping Cottage BLOG. Za izdelavo današnje voščilnice
šablono iz kolekcije Fancy Floral .

Hello... It's Simona with you again with another card
for The Scrapping Cottage BLOG. With today's card 
I am showcasing beautiful 
from the Fancy Floral Release.

Šablono Fancy Floral Lace Border sem izrezala 4x iz belega
kartona. Nato sem jih ročno prišila na barvni karton, kot lahko 
vidite na sliki zgoraj. Metulje sem izrezala 1x iz belega kartona.
Uporabila sem dve različni obliki metulja in ju zlepila skupaj.
Robove metuljev sem senčila z Distress Ink - rusty hinge, nato pa
sem dodala še prozorne bleščice v lepilu. Za konec sem uporabila
še bele liquid pearls.

I cut the Fancy Floral Lace Border 4x out of white cardstock.
Then I stitched it by hand onto the colored cardstock 
as seen on the photo above. 
I cut the butterflies once out of white cardstock.
I used two different shaped butterflies and layered
them together. I distressed the edges of the butterflies
with Distress Ink - rusty hinge and also added some
clear glue glitter. At the end I used some white liquid pearls.

Glede na to, da nisem želela uporabiti misli na sprednji strani
voščilnice, sem le-to uporabila v notranjosti.
Maskirala sem enega izmed metuljev z rusty hinge distress ink
barvo. Misel pa sem odtisnila na Oval Doily izrez.

Since I didn't want to place the sentiment on the front
of the card, I also did the inside of the card this time.
I masked one of the butterflies with rusty hinge distress ink.
Then I used the oval doily die and stamped my
sentiment "From Someone who cares".

Še od blizu.

A close up.

Še nekaj fotografij slikanih iz različnih kotov.

Here are some more photos taken from a different angle.

Hvala, ker ste se ustavili danes na mojem blogu!

Thank you for stopping by today!


The dies used:

četrtek, 1. avgust 2013

Castle For The Princess

Pozdravček vsem!

Danes delim z vami voščilnico, ki sem jo izdelala za mlado dekle,
ki je praznovalo svoj 28. rojstni dan - grad za princesko.
Pri izdelavi gradu sem si pomagala s Fairy Tale Castle SVG Kit.
Voščilnica mi je všeč, saj ima sporočilo, da si v življenu
moramo dovoliti sanjat in stremeti k uresnitčitvi le-teh.

Hello everyone!

Today I am sharing with you a project I made for
a young girl's birthday. It's a castle for a princess made
I like this card, because it comes with the message that
we should give ourselves permission to dream in our lives
and hope they will come true.

Take a look!

Thank you for stopping by!

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