Dobro jutro in čudovit petek vsem!
Ponovno sem z vami z voščilnico, narejeno za
The Scrapping Cottage BLOG. Tokrat sem pri izdelavi
voščilnice uporabila naslednje CottageCutz Elites šablone:
Good morning everyone and beautiful Friday to you all!
Preden sem izrezala drevo, sem si izrezala bel karton in
zgornjo polovico pobarvala/senčila z različnimi odtenki
zelene barva od svetle proti temni. Enako sem naredila
s spodnjim delom, le da sem uporabila rjave tone.
Nato sem namestila šablono na papir in izrezala z mašinčkom.
For the tree I used white cardstock. But before I cut
the tree out I colored/distressed the top half of the paper
with different shades of green from light to dark and
for the bottom half of the paper I used different shades
of brown colors. Then I positioned the tree die on the
paper and cut it out.
Ko je bilo drevo izrezano, sem vzela zopet bel karton in
nanj prilepila drevo. Nato pa sem karton razrezala na tri enake dele
in jih zalepila na rjavo podlago. Tudi ostali dve šabloni
sem izrezala iz belega kartona.
Once the tree was cut out I took another piece of white
cardstock and glued the tree on it. Then I cut the paper
into three equal stripes and matted them onto the
brown cardstock. The Fancy Lace Border and the
Fancy Ornate Birdcage were cut out of white carstock.
Za osnovo voščilnice sem uporabila rjav karton in designer
papir iz zaloge. Vse izrezane dele sem zalepila na designer
papir, dodala tudi satenast trakec in še le nato vse skupaj
zalepila na osnovo.
I used brown cardstock for the base of my card and
some designer paper from my stash. I glued the pieces
in place onto the DP paper and added some satin ribbon.
Then I glued everything onto the base cardstock.
Izrezala sem napis in dodala Fancy Ornate Birdcage izrezke
na levo in desno stran napisa. Najprej sem izrezke pobarvala,
še le nato sem jih zalepila na hrbtno stran napisa.
Ker imajo šablone toliko čudovitih detajlov in oblik jih lahko
uporabite na različne načine in naredite svoje izdelke
zanimive in lepe.
I cut out my sentiment and added Fancy Ornate Birdcage
cut outs to both of the sides. I sponged them before gluing.
Because the dies are so intricate with beautiful designs,
you can use them in so many different ways to make
your projects interesting and pretty.
CottageCutz šablone so tako enostavne za uporabgo in
VEDNO boste na koncu zadovoljni z rezultaom in končnim
izdelkom. Upam, da ste v današnji objavi našli inspiracijo
in boste tudi sami naredili kaj iz CottageCutz šablon.
Hvala za obisk in se vidimo kmalu!
The CottageCutz dies are so easy to use and you
ALWAYS end up with a beautiful result.
I hope you feel inspired and you'll try them out for
Thanks for stopping by and see you soon!