
sreda, 27. november 2013

WOJ - Henry Mouse with Hot Chocolate

Pozdravljeni! Danes vam pokažem voščilnico s srčkanim
miškom po imenu Henry, ki se greje z vročim čokoladnim napitkom.
Ta nam bo v teh hladnjših dneh vsem teknil, a ne... :).
Štampiljka je Whiff Of Joy in napis, ki sem ga našla v spletni
trgovini Mavelu je kot nalašč za tega miška, ki sem ga pobarvala
z distress inki.

Hello! Today I am sharing a card, made with cute mouse Henry with
Hot Chocolate. In those colder days hot chocolate will be a nice
warm refreshment, don't you think so... :).
The stamp is from Whiff Of Joy - Henry Mouse with Hot Chocolate and
was colored with distress inks.
The sentiment is from the Mavelu Web store and goes well with the stamp.
It says Warm yourself with a cup of hot chocolate... :)

Ker sem velika ljubiteljica CottageCutz šablon sem dodala
še prtiček in žličko.

Since I am a big lover of CottageCutz dies I added a napkin
and a spoon.

Poigrala sem se tudi z luknjačem EK Success, embosirno
mapico s snežinkami in nekaj šivi.

I also played a bit with EK Success punch, embossing
folder snowflakes and some stitches.

S Sakura belim gel pisalom sem narisala pikice ter dodala
še dve rožici in polovične perle.

I drew the dots with Sakura white gel pen and added two poinsettia 
flowers and half pearl stones.

Upam, da vam je današnja objava všeč in da vas je vsaj malce ogrela... :)

Pozdravček vsem do prihodnjič,

I hope you like today's post and that warmed you up a little bit... :)

Hugs to all till next time,

torek, 26. november 2013

Autumn Delight

Ponovno sem z vami... Tokrat z jesensko voščilnico
za The Scrapping Cottage Blog

Here I am with you all again... :). This time
I am sharing an Autumn themed card for 

CottageCutz šablone Harvest Leaves in Hedgehog sem izrezala
iz belega kartona in jih pobarvala z distress ink blazinicami:
scattered straw, tea dye, vintage photo, walnut stain
and antique linen.

All the Harvest Leaves dies and a Hedgehog die were cut out
from white cardstock and colored with distress ink pads:
scattered straw, tea dye, vintage photo, walnut stain
and antique linen.

iz temno rjavega kartona. Šablono The Circles w/ Eyelets
pa sem izrezala in bež kartona.

were cut out from chocolate cardstock. The Circles w/ Eyelets
I cut out from beige (vanilla) cardstock.

Ko sem pobarvala liste, sem jih oblikovala s pomočjo stylusa
(orodje za oblikovanje cvetov in listov) in jih s 3D lepljivimi kvadratki
nalepila na voščilnico.

Once I colored the leaves I shaped them with a stylus 
and used 3D foam squares to glue them onto the card.

Misel sem odtisnila v Rich cocoa barvi z Memento blazinico
in dodala na pentljico rdeč samolepljiv kamenček v obliki srčka.

I stamped the sentiment with Memento Rich Cocoa 
and added a red heart rhinestone to the bow.

Hvala, ker ste si vzeli čas in se ustavili na mojem blogu
z namenom, da si ogledate današnjo objavo!

Thank you for stopping by today!


The dies used to make this card:

četrtek, 21. november 2013

It's A Boy...

Pozdrav vsem od Simone!

Za današnjo objavo na The Scrapping Cottage Blogu
sem pripravila voščinico za novorojenčka s čudovitimi
CottageCutz šablonami:

Hello everyone from Simona!

For today's post on The Scrapping Cottage Blog 
I prepared a card for a new baby boy with
beautiful mix of CottageCutz dies:

Zelo rada izdelujem voščilnice za novorojenčke/ice... :).
Vse uporabljene šablone so izrezane iz belega kartona in
pobarvane z Distress Ink blazinicami. Všeč mi je barvni efekt,
ki ga dobim s tem načinom barvanja.

I love making baby cards... :). 
All the dies were cut out of white cardstock and
colored with Distress Ink Pads. I love the color effect
you get with this technique of coloring.

Še fotografija pobarvanih in sestavljenih CottageCutz izrezkov.
CottageCutz šablone so res 'easy' za uporabo. Vseeno je, če uporabite
le eno šablono ali več, vedno boste zadovoljni s čudovitim rezultatom.

Here is a close up photo of beautiful CottageCutz die cuts.
The CottageCutz dies are so easy to use and it doesn't matter
if you use only a single die or you mix and match few of them, 
you always end up with a beautiful result. 

Ali poznate koga, ki je v pričakovanju ali je pred kratkim dobil otroka?
Upam, da vas s svojimi voščilnicami inspiriram in boste
tudi sami/e vzeli/e v roke CottageCutz šablone, ki vas bodo
povsem prevzele... :).

Do you know someone who is expecting a baby or just had a baby?
Hope you feel inspired to give it a try to CottageCutz dies.
They won't disappoint you... :). Once you'll try them you'll be hooked on them... :).

Thank you for stopping by today!


The dies used to make this card:

nedelja, 17. november 2013

Bildmalarna DT Call

Hello everyone! 

Today I am posting a card I made especially for

The Bildmalarna DT Call.

I have so many gorgeous stamps from Bildmalarna at home
to choose from, so it wasn't hard to pick some of them and
make a card by desired sketch... :).
I decided to combine a Window stamp with gorgeous
Mimosa Little Bird stamp and used a masking technique on this card.

Here is my DT card:

I used Distress Inks for coloring the stamps.
The papers are from Graphic 45. The layer behind the 
stamped image is embossed with a brick embossing folder.

Here is a close up photo from the colored image.


Because I wanted to stay close to the sketch I just added some lace
from my stash, a little bit of yellow ribbon, some doodle twine and 
as a final touch I also did some stitching. 

Thank you for stopping by and looking
at my post today!


sobota, 16. november 2013

Harvest Sunflower With Owls and Vines

Za današnjo objavo na  The Scrapping Cottage Blogu
 sem pripravila voščilnico na temo jesen, narejeno
iz čudovitih CottageCutz šablon iz nove kolekcije šablon
 CottageCutz Harvest 2013 Release:
CottageCutz Harvest Vine (Elites) 
CottageCutz Sunflower Mini

For today's post on The Scrapping Cottage Blog
I prepared an Autumn themed card
showcasing gorgeous CottageCutz dies from
Vse šablone sem izrezala iz belega kartona in jih pobarvala
z distress ink blazinicami: antique linen, vintage photo,
walnut stain, mustard seed, scattered straw and peeled paint.

All the dies were cut out of white cardstock and colored 
with distress ink pads: antique linen, vintage photo,
walnut stain, mustard seed, scattered straw and peeled paint.

 Podstavek oz. ozadje za sončnico in sovice je bil narejen
s pomočjo Spellbinders šablon. Med zalogo svojih štampiljk
sem našla tudi liste, ki sem jih odtistnila z Memento Rich Cocoa
blazinico na zunanji parameter belega kroga in ga nato
še embosirala s Cuttlebug srajčko.

The coaster behind the Harvest Sunflower and Owls
was made out of Spellbinders dies. I had some Vine stamps
in my stash and stamped them randomly  around parameter
of the inner white circle with Memento Rich Cocoa.
Once that was done I dry embossed the circle with Cuttlebug
embossing folder.

Za ozadje sem izrezala štiri enako velike kvadrate iz dveh
kartončkov različnih odtenkov rjave barve, ki sem jih prav tako
embosirala s Cuttlebug srajčko, da sem dodala teksturo.
Za konec pa sem samo še dodala satenast trakec v rjavi barvi.

The background was made out of four equal squares,
cut from two different shades of brown cardstock and
dry embossed again with the Cuttlebug embossing folder
for some texture. As a final touch I added some
satin ribbon. 

Hope you feel inspired by today's project and
thank you for looking at the post.


The dies used to create this card:

CottageCutz Harvest Sunflower (Elites) 

CottageCutz Harvest Vine (Elites)

CottageCutz Fall Owl Border (Elites)

CottageCutz Sunflower Mini

torek, 12. november 2013

Sweet Birthday Card

Pozdravček vsem!

Danes objavljam rojstnodnevno voščilnico za deklico. 
Zelo rada barvam odtise štampiljk. Tale ljubka deklica z medvedkom
je štampiljka od BildMalarne. Tokrat sem uporabila za barvanje Copic markerje.

Hello everyone!

Today I am posting a sweet Birthday card of a girl. I love 
to color rubber stamp images and this cute little girl is
from BildMalarna. So cute! I used Copis markers for coloring this time... :).

Take a look....

Voščilnico prijavljam na Craft-alnica Challenge #94 - Buttons.

I am entering this card into Craft-alnica Izziv #94 - Gumbki.

Lepo se imejte do prihodnjič....


sreda, 6. november 2013

Flip Christmas Ornament Card

Lep sredin pozdrav vsem!

Danes sem z vami s tako imenovano FLIP božično
voščilnico, ki sem jo izdelal za The Scrapping Cottage Blog.
Zelo rada izdelujem voščilnice različnih oblik in tale je ena izmed njih.
Za izdelavo takšne voščilnice bo delovala katerakoli simetrična šablona.
Jaz sem uporabila Spellbinders Nestabilities  Labels Twenty.

Beautiful Wednesday everyone!

Here I am with a new Flip Christmas card for 
I love making different shapes of cards and this is one of them.
Any symmetrical die will work for this style of the card.
I used Spellbinders Nestabilities Labels Twenty.

Za osnovo voščilnice lahko uporabite debelejši designer papir, ki je
na eni strani potiskan, na drugi strani pa bel. Ker jaz tega doma nisem
imela sem izrezala osnovo v velikosti 4 1/4" x 11" enkrat iz belega papirja
in enkrat iz vzorčnega papirja ter ju zlepila skupaj.

For the base of the card you need a thicker DP
that has pattern on one side and is blank on the other.
Since I didn't have that I cut two pieces for the base,
size 4 1/4" x 11". One out of white paper and the other
one out of pattern paper and glued them together.

Kot osrednji motiv sem si izbrala CottageCutz Snowflake Ornament
šablono in jo izrezala 2x iz pobleščičenega papirja. Dvakrat je potrebno 
izrezati motiv zato, ker ju boste zlepili skupaj in želite, da le-ta
zgleda na obeh straneh identično, ko boste enkrat voščilnico odprli.

As a focal point I used CottageCutz Snowflake Ornament die 
and cut it out twice out of glitter paper. You want the ornament 
to look the same on both sides ones you flip/open the card.

Ko izdelujete voščilnico v tej obliki bodite pozorni pri izbiri
šablon oz. motivih, ki jih boste izbrali za uporabo na sredini.
Tudi te morajo biti simetrične, da jih lahko lepo zlepite skupaj.

When you are making this style of cards you have to be careful 
to pick again a symmetrical die. This is important when you
glue them together and they fit perfectly.

Ker je voščilnica že sama po sebi zanimiva zaradi oblike,
sem dodala le še napis Merry Christmas, ki je del 

Zahvaljuje se vam za vaš današnji obisk bloga!

I kept the card pretty simple and just added
Merry Christmas greeting from the
 also cut out of glitter paper.

Thank you for visiting again! I really appreciate it!


The CottageCutz dies used to make this card:

sobota, 2. november 2013


Ponovno pozdravljeni!

Že nekaj časa nazaj sem dodala v svojo kolekcijo različnih štampiljk še
nekaj Grojuss štampiljk. Končno mi je uspelo pabarvat nekaj Gorjuss punčk
in narediti tudi voščilnice kar tako za zabavo. Z veseljem vam jih pokažem in 
res me zanima, kaj mislite...

Hello again!

Awhile ago I added few Gorjuss stamps into my rubber stamp collection.
Finally I manage to color few of the stamps and put together some cards
just for fun. I would love to share them with you and see what you think...

Vesela sem vašega današnjega postanka pri meni... :)

Thank you for stopping by!

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