
četrtek, 5. januar 2012

Animal Kingdom

Hello everyone in 2012! Happy New Year and all the best to all of you...

I am back with my 1st project this year. I created a Matchbook Style Album (original idea from Kathy Orta) and I am very happy with the end result. She creates a lot of albums with paper bags. But I had to create my own, because you can't buy them in Slovenia at least the colours you want. The theme for this project was Animal Kingdom and is the #46th Challenge on Craft-alnica. As you can see I've chosen butterflies... Hope you will enjoy looking at my album. I had to upload more photos this time to try and show you the whole album...:). Who knows, I might even start putting up Videos in the future...:).

8 komentarjev:

  1. Olala .... še dobro, da si pripela več slik. Čudovito okrašen, lepo izdelan in koliko žepkov se skriva v njem :). Lp

  2. Naravnost čudovit, super in že tako pomladen.

  3. Uuuuuuuuuu, koliko metuljev, tudi meni so dragi metuljčki :).

  4. Tale pa je kot nalašč za kakšno ljubiteljico metuljev. Čudovit je!

  5. Čudovit album, poln metuljev! ♡ Superca!

    Hvala, ker sodeluješ na 46. izzivu CRAFT-alnice ! :)

    Lepo se imej,
    ✿ Manuela ✿


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