
sreda, 27. februar 2013

Birthday Glamour

Welcome to Papirat blog!

Here is another card I made for a birthday. 
This time was for a girl and it had to be Dolce & Gabbana style... :).
To make this card I combined CottageCutz dies and
Art Stamps Loralie - Sitting Pretty.

Thank you for stopping by!


torek, 26. februar 2013

Happy Birthday Filip

Happy Birthday Filip!

Today our Filip is celebrating his 9th Birthday. 

Happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday dear Filip...
happy birthday to you!


And here is a birthday card I made for him.

Thank you for stopping by!


nedelja, 24. februar 2013


Pozdravljeni dragi obiskovalci, 
drage obiskovalke Papirat bloga!

Objavljam nekaj voščilnic, narejenih za mojega nečaka Matjaža
(skorajšnjega maturanta) - njegov maturantski ples... :).
Zraven pa sem naredila tudi 3D škatlico -
maturantsko kapico, v katero lahko daste bonbončke...
A ni to čudovit spomin na maturanski ples??

Hello Everyone to the Papiart Blog!

I am posting few cards today, made for the prom... :).
I also made a 3D Hat Box, to put some candies into the box...
Isn't that a wonderful memory gift on
the prom night??

Thank you for looking!


sobota, 23. februar 2013

Vintage Loveseat

Good morning and welcome
to the Papiart Blog!

Pozdravljeni, Simona tukaj! Danes vam predstavljam voščilnico, 
narejeno s CottageCutz Vintage Loveseat & Chair (4x6) in
CottageCutz Poodle Mini iz Vintage Release.

Hi, Simona here! Today I am sharing a card showcasing 
the Vintage Release.

Sedež sem izrezala iz vzorčastega papirja in ga po robovih osenčila
(pa tudi povsod, kjer sem želela, da bi bilo malce osenčeno) z
Distress Ink - Vintage Photo.
Pudlček je bil izrezan iz belega debelejšega papirja in osenčen
z Distress Ink - Tea Dye, Brushed Corduroy.

I cut the Loveseat out of pattern paper and sponged the edges with
Distress Ink - Vintage Photo.
The Poodle was cut out of white cardstock and sponged 
with Distress Inks - Tea Dye, Brushed Corduroy.

Izrezan je bil iz belega papirja in pobarvan s Copic markerji.

The little teddy is from the CottageCutz Baby Girls Clothes (4x4).
It was cut out of white cardstock and colored with Copics.

Listi so bili izrezani s CottageCutz Long Stemmed Rose (4x4).

Stranski papir je bil izrezan iz belega papirja in embosiran,
nato pa narahlo senčen z Distress Ink -
Antique Linen in Brushed corduroy.
Prav tako sem uporabila MS Luknjač, razcepke, zakovice,
čipko iz zaloge, bel gel pen in nekaj samolepilnih
plastičnih belih perlic.

The leaves were cut out with the

The side panel was cut out of white cardstock,
dry embossed and gently sponged with Distress Ink-
Antique Linen, Brushed Corduroy.
I also used MS Punch, a brad, eyelets, some lace out of my stash,
 white gel pen and some self adhesive plastic pearls.

Thank you all for looking!


Uporabljene šablone:

Veliko izbiro CottageCutz šablon pri nas imate na razpolago v spletni trgovini Mavelu. Če vam je všeč kakšna šablonca, ki je trenutno ni na zalogi v spletni trgovini Mavelu pa se obrnite na Marino, ki vam bo z veseljem pomagala, kot je tudi meni že velikokrat.

petek, 22. februar 2013

New Release "This N That"

The Scrapping Cottage
New Release "This N That"!!!

Pozdravljeni dragi obiskovalci
Papiart bloga!
CottageCutz "This N That" 
je možno sedaj tudi prednaročiti!
Če kupite šablone v kompletu, dobite
30% popust,
za posamezne šablone v prednaročilu
pa dobite 20% popust!
Kliknite na spodnjo link in se sami
prepričajte o tej super ponudbi.

Hello Everyone!
CottageCutz "This N That" Release
is now available for Pre-order!
Save 30% on bundle or
20% on individual dies from this release.
Click on the link bellow
and check it out for yourself...



četrtek, 14. februar 2013

Old Fashioned Phone

Happy Valentines Day!

Simona tukaj. Danes bom delila z vami voščilnico,
ki predstavlja čudovito šablono 
Dodtano sem uporabila še CottageCutz Long Stemmed Rose (4x4).

It's Simona here. Today I would like to share with you 
a card showcasing a new beautiful die from 
In addition I used the CottageCutz Long Stemmed Rose (4x4).

Old Fashioned Phone sem izrezala iz malo tršega belega papirja
in vse skupaj pobarvala s Copic markerji v rjavih tonih.
Long Stemmed Rose sem pravtako izrezala iz tršega belega papirja
in pobarvala s Copic markerji (toni rdeče in zelene barve).

The Old Fashioned Phone was cut out of white cardstock and
colored with Copics (brown tones). The Long Stemmed Rose was
also cut out of white cardstock and colored with Copics 
(reds and greens).

Za izdelavo pisma za telefonom in vrtnico sem uporabila
fotokopirni beli papir, nanj poštempljala štampiljko s pisavo
v temno rjavi barvi in osenčila vse skupaj z Distress Inki -
Anique Linen, Brushed Corduroy.
Robove sem s prsti strgala in jih prav tako osenčila.

For the letter behind the phone and the rose
I used white photocopy paper, stamped the writing 
in dark brown craft ink and distressed the paper with 
Distress Inks - Antique Linen, Brushed Corduroy.
I tore the edges of the letter with my fingers and distressed them.

Na robove cveta vrtnice sem dodala malo zlatih bleščic.

I put some gold sparkles on the edges of the rose petals.

In še enkrat pogled na celotno voščilnico.
Možnosti uporabe te čudovite šablone so neskončne...

And here is another look at my card.
The possibilities are endless with this beautiful die...

Thank you for stopping by!


Veliko izbiro CottageCutz šablon pri nas imate na razpolago v spletni trgovini Mavelu. Če vam je všeč kakšna šablonca, ki je trenutno ni na zalogi v spletni trgovini Mavelu pa se obrnite na Marino, ki vam bo z veseljem pomagala, kot je tudi meni že velikokrat.

sreda, 6. februar 2013

Whimsy Penpal Mouse Stamp

Dobrodošli na Papiart blogu!

Voščilnica, ki jo obljavljam je bila narejena za 6 letnika Reneja. Otroci pri tej 
starosti so tako polni energije, zato sem imela v mislih, 
da naj bo karseda živih barv. Uporabila sem štampiljko 
Whimsy Stamp Penpal Mouse.
Kot veste, sem velika ljubiteljica CottageCutz šablon, zato sem
uporabila tudi te (balončki)... :)

Welcome to Papiart Blog!

Today's card was made for a 6 year old boy, Renej. Kids at this age
are so full of energy, that's why I had in mind to make it bright and
colorful. I used Whimsy Penpal Mouse Stamp as my 
focal image. As you already know, I love CottageCutz dies. That's why
I had to use those as well (balloons)... :)

Številka 6 je bila izrezana s pomočjo Cricut stojška! Štampiljka Vse najboljše
pa je iz trgovine Ustvarjalni dotik.

Number 6 was cut with Cricut. The stamp Vse najboljše (Happy Birthday)
is from online craft store Ustvarjalni dotik.

Hvala vsem za ogled moje današnje objave!
Pa lepo se imejte do prihodnjič...

Thank you all for looking!
Have fun till next time...


ponedeljek, 4. februar 2013

Simply Amazing

Vsem skupaj prav lep pozdrav!
Danes vam predstavljam že četrto objavo za Scrapping Cottage Blog.

Hello everyoneSimona here with my fourth post as a designer 
for Scrapping Cottage Blog.

Ste že videli/e te čudovite CottageCutz Vintage šablone?
Meni so res zelo všeč. Enostavno čudovite so!!!
Tokrat sam naredila voščilnico, kjer sem uporabila šablone

Have you seen these beautiful dies from the Vintage Release? 
I really like them. They are simply amazing!!!

Korzet, pahljačo in salonarje sem pobarvala z Distress Inki -
dried marigold, spiced marmelade, antique linen, tea dye and aged mahogany.
Obrobo sem izrezala z MS luknjačem. 

To color my corset, fan and shoes I used Distress Inks - dried marigold, 
spiced marmelade, antique linen, tea dye and aged mahogany. 
To cut the border I used MS punch.

Za  korzet sem uporabila nekaj prosojnega blaga iz temno rdeče barve
in ga z vročo pištolco zalepila na zadnji del korzeta, pri
čemer sem ga sproti s prsti nagubala.
Dodala sem še belo čipko iz zaloge in rdeče zakovice.

For the corset I used some burgundy tulle fabric and glued it to the back of the corset 
with hot gun. I folded the fabric with my fingers as I went along.
I also added some white lace from my stash and some red eyelets.

Hvala, da ste si pogledali/e mojo današnjo objavo.
Vsem skupaj vam želim prijeten začetek tedna!

Thank you for looking and wish you all a great start of the week!


Here are the dies used:

Veliko izbiro CottageCutz šablon pri nas imate na razpolago v spletni trgovini Mavelu. Če vam je všeč kakšna šablonca, ki je trenutno ni na zalogi v spletni trgovini Mavelu pa se obrnite na Marino, ki vam bo z veseljem pomagala, kot je tudi meni že velikokrat.

petek, 1. februar 2013

A Birthday Card

Dobrodošli na mojem blogu!

Welcome to my Blog!

Danes objavljam voščilnico, ki sem jo izdelala za slavljenca,
ki praznuje 60. rojstni dan. Idejo in inspiracijo za izdelavo te voščilnice
sem našla tukaj. Hvala Mel, tvoja voščinica je čudovita!!

Today I am posting a birthday card for a gentleman, who is
celebrating his 60th birthday. I found the idea and the inspiration to make this card
 here. Thank you Mel, your card is beautiful!!

Hvala za ogled! Želim vam prekrasen vikend!

Thank you for looking! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


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