
sreda, 3. junij 2015

60th Birthday Window Card

Hello Everyone!

Here I am with a new Template Card design -
Rectangular Window Card.

It`s an Easel Stylized Rectangular Card, with a
unique design and easy to put it together.

Shop at

Created with love,

torek, 26. maj 2015

Step Card with our NEW Digital Stamp

Hello everyone...
I have a new Blog post today with an exciting news...
I can proudly share with all of you one of our first 
Paper Cuts Art Digital Stamp - Tonya Holding a cup of Coffee.

...and here is a step card I made with the digital stamp...


Paper Cuts Art

Thank you for looking...

Created with love,



torek, 12. maj 2015

SGV Wedding Card




Hello everyone.

Today I have a beautiful Wedding Card to share with you all.
I used gorgeous wedding pattern paper to create this elegant card with a pocket inside.
Visit our Paper Cuts Art Shop where you can purchase this card as svg cutting file.
All svg cutting files are instant download after PayPal payment.

Thank you for visiting.

Created with love, Simona

petek, 8. maj 2015

SVG Car Shaped Card

Hello everyone. Today˙s post is all about a fun shaped svg 
car card. Would you like to make this card yourself for someone
 special you know and surprise them? 
With svg electronic machine files ready for cutting
 it couldn`t be easier. You can buy the instant
 download svg file from Paper Cuts Art.

Thank you for visiting and have fun making this card. 
We would love to see you cards made with our svg files 

Created with love,

ponedeljek, 4. maj 2015

Paper Cuts Art

Prisrčen ponedeljkov pozdravček vsem...

Hello and beautiful Monday morning to everyone...

Tok življenja nas vodi po mnogih različnih poteh
in včasih so nam te poti poznane, včasih pa nam 
razkrijejo njihov pomen še le, ko prehodimo že
dobršen del njih... Vam je poznano?

Moja nova neznana pot na katero sem se podala
z majhnimi, počanimi koraki je

There are many paths in our life we have to walk.
Some of them are known to us, some of them unknown
and we see the meaning of them while we are
walking on them after awhile. Can you relate to this?

My new unknown path I started making small steps on is

 Vesela bom vašega obiska in mnenja...

Hvala, ker me spremljate!

Thank you for all your support trough the years.
Your opinion is very valuable to me, so
don`t hesitate to leave a comment.


petek, 3. april 2015

Distress Paint Background

Tokrat sem se poigrala z Distress Paint
akrilnimi barvami in naredila ozadje za
voščilnico. Navdušena sem nad rezultatom
omenjenih akrilnih barv. Posebnost vseh
Distress izdelkov Tima Holtza je ta, da se
pri reakciji z vodo med seboj barve zlivajo oz.
prelivajo ne glede na to, če uporabljate Distress
blazinice, Distress Stains ali celo omenjene
Distress Paint akrilne barve.

Nastali sta dve različni voščilnici z istim ozadjem.
Pri eni sem uporabila belo osnovo voščilnice, pri
drugi pa 'craft' barvo.

Na voščilnicah sem uporabila tudi 

Hvala za ogled!


torek, 17. februar 2015

ponedeljek, 16. februar 2015

Vse najboljše Tai

Loss leaves a HEARTACHE
no one can heal,
love leaves a MEMORY
no one can steal.

Dragi Tai, lepo te je bilo včeraj videti nasmejanega.

Še enkrat VSE NAJBOLJŠE iz srca

za tvoj 8. rojstni dan ti želiva 

mama in brat Filip.


sobota, 14. februar 2015

torek, 3. februar 2015

BMW Lovers...

Te voščilnice so pravi hit za ljubitelje
jeklenih konjičkov...saj se da razbrati, katerih, a ne? 

Pozdravček vsem,


sobota, 31. januar 2015

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